domingo, 26 de abril de 2009

Dijon - capital of the dukes of Burgundy

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© G. Rouzeau/ViaMichelin

By Georges Rouzeau
What a beautiful town is Dijon. Renaissance and classical timber-framed houses and private mansions appear on every street corner without ever being overbearing. These buildings, and also the numerous churches, tell the story of this town which has known many a great man.

Place de la Libération
Constructed between 1686 and 1701, the place de la Libération, opposite the palais royal, was conceived by the Versailles architect Jules Hardouin-Mansart but was completed by his student Robert de Cotte. Formerly known as the place royale, it became place d'Armes after the French Revolution, then place du Maréchal Pétain during the occupation and finally place de la Libération. A restoration campaign, under the leadership of Jean-Michel Wilmotte, has driven out the cars.

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