segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2009

Quanto dinheiro devo levar na viagem para a europa?

Dinheiro impulsiona o mundo. Várias formas de dinheiro são aceitas em toda a Europa, tais como: moeda corrente local, cartões de crédito, traveller’s checks.
Antes, a compra de traveller’s checks era outra tarefa a ser adicionada e sua lista de preparativos para uma viagem ao exterior. Hoje, no entanto, embora os traveller’s checks ainda sejam a maneira mais segura de se levar dinheiro, eles são menos comuns.

Graças à conveniência dos caixas automáticos, mesmo se você esquecer de adquirir moeda estrangeira antes da viagem, você poderá facilmente comprar Euros ou outras moedas locais ao chegar.

Uma boa regra básica quando estiver em viagem à Europa é possuir várias maneiras de se obter dinheiro: algum dinheiro local, cartões de crédito internacional (com chip) e, é claro, talvez até mesmo traveller’s checks, caso se sinta mais seguro com eles!

Antes de sair de casa, certifique-se junto à instituição financeira se o seu cartão o funciona nos caixas automáticos europeus, pois eles geralmente necessitam de uma bandeira Plus, Cirrus, Visa, MasterCard ou EuroCard. Em segundo lugar, verifique se seu Número de Identificação Pessoal ou PIN pode ser acessado no exterior; a maioria dos teclados dos caixas automáticos da Europa possui apenas números, se seu PIN contiver letras, anote os valores numéricos equivalentes.

Na Europa, os cartões bancários normalmente exigem um PIN de 4 a 6 dígitos.
Por mais convenientes e disponíveis que os caixas automáticos possam ser, sempre tenha um pouco de dinheiro em mãos para não passar por constrangimentos em alguma pequena cidade, onde as máquinas de cartão de crédito não aceitam cartões internacionais. Não permita que imprevistos técnicos impeçam que você leve para casa aquela bolsa de couro ou aquele relógio antigo que você estava de olho!

Deve-se levar a quantia mínima de 50 euros por dia, que pode ser levada em dinheiro, cartões de crédito, travellers check, etc.

sábado, 26 de setembro de 2009

Prague - weather around the year

January: a few rainy days (6.8), relatively low amount of precipitation (23.5 mm), very cold even during the day (0.4 °C / 32.7 °F), freezing during nights (-5.4 °C / 22.3 °F).

February: a few rainy days (5.6), relatively low amount of precipitation (22.6 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (2.7 °C / 36.9 °F), freezing during nights (-4 °C / 24.8 °F).

March: a few rainy days (6.2), relatively low amount of precipitation (28.1 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (7.7 °C / 45.9 °F), freezing during nights (-1 °C / 30.2 °F).

April: a few rainy days (7.3), relatively low amount of precipitation (38.2 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (13.3 °C / 55.9 °F), cold in the nights (2.6 °C / 36.7 °F).

May: quite a lot of rainy days (9.8), medium amount of precipitation (77.2 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (18.3 °C / 64.9 °F), cold in the nights (7.1 °C / 44.8 °F).

June: quite a lot of rainy days (10.3), medium amount of precipitation (72.7 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (21.4 °C / 70.5 °F), cold in the nights (10.5 °C / 50.9 °F).

July: quite a lot of rainy days (9.1), relatively low amount of precipitation (66.2 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (23.3 °C / 73.9 °F), cold in the nights (11.9 °C / 53.4 °F).

August: a few rainy days (8.8), relatively low amount of precipitation (69.6 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (23 °C / 73.4 °F), cold in the nights (11.7 °C / 53.1 °F).

September: a few rainy days (7), relatively low amount of precipitation (40 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (19 °C / 66.2 °F), cold in the nights (8.7 °C / 47.7 °F).

October: a few rainy days (5.5), relatively low amount of precipitation (30.5 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (13.1 °C / 55.6 °F), cold in the nights (4.3 °C / 39.7 °F).

November: a few rainy days (7), relatively low amount of precipitation (31.9 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (6 °C / 42.8 °F), cold in the nights (0.2 °C / 32.4 °F).

December: a few rainy days (6.8), relatively low amount of precipitation (25.3 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (2 °C / 35.6 °F), freezing during nights (-3.3 °C / 26.1 °F).

Rome - weather around the year

January: quite a lot of rainy days (9.1), medium amount of precipitation (80.7 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (12.9 °C / 55.2 °F), cold in the nights (3.7 °C / 38.7 °F).

February: a few rainy days (8.3), medium amount of precipitation (74.9 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (13.7 °C / 56.7 °F), cold in the nights (4.4 °C / 39.9 °F).

March: a few rainy days (7.9), relatively low amount of precipitation (65 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (15.3 °C / 59.5 °F), cold in the nights (5.8 °C / 42.4 °F).

April: a few rainy days (7), relatively low amount of precipitation (54.7 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (18 °C / 64.4 °F), cold in the nights (8.3 °C / 46.9 °F).

May: a few rainy days (4.4), relatively low amount of precipitation (31.8 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (22 °C / 71.6 °F), cold in the nights (11.9 °C / 53.4 °F).

June: dry weather, relatively low amount of precipitation (16.3 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (25.6 °C / 78.1 °F), not very cold nights (15.6 °C / 60.1 °F).

July: dry weather, relatively low amount of precipitation (14.7 mm), very hot during the day (28.6 °C / 83.5 °F), warm weather even in the nights (18.2 °C / 64.8 °F).

August: dry weather, relatively low amount of precipitation (33.3 mm), very hot during the day (28.7 °C / 83.7 °F), warm weather even in the nights (18.4 °C / 65.1 °F).

September: a few rainy days (4.5), relatively low amount of precipitation (68.2 mm), very hot during the day (26 °C / 78.8 °F), not very cold nights (15.8 °C / 60.4 °F).

October: a few rainy days (7), medium amount of precipitation (93.4 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (22 °C / 71.6 °F), not very cold nights (12 °C / 53.6 °F).

November: quite a lot of rainy days (9.9), medium amount of precipitation (110.5 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (17.2 °C / 63 °F), cold in the nights (8.1 °C / 46.6 °F).

December: quite a lot of rainy days (9), medium amount of precipitation (89.6 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (13.9 °C / 57 °F), cold in the nights (5.1 °C / 41.2 °F).

In the last years, the month of July is registering temperatures hotter than the usual, around 40 ºC

London - usual weather during the year

January: quite a lot of rainy days (14.8), relatively low amount of precipitation (53 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (7.2 °C / 45 °F), cold in the nights (2.4 °C / 36.3 °F).

February: quite a lot of rainy days (10.8), relatively low amount of precipitation (36 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (7.6 °C / 45.7 °F), cold in the nights (2.5 °C / 36.5 °F).

March: quite a lot of rainy days (13.4), relatively low amount of precipitation (48 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (10.3 °C / 50.5 °F), cold in the nights (3.8 °C / 38.8 °F).

April: quite a lot of rainy days (12.7), relatively low amount of precipitation (47 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (13 °C / 55.4 °F), cold in the nights (5.6 °C / 42.1 °F).

May: quite a lot of rainy days (12.5), relatively low amount of precipitation (51 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (17 °C / 62.6 °F), cold in the nights (8.7 °C / 47.7 °F).

June: quite a lot of rainy days (10.5), relatively low amount of precipitation (50 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (20.3 °C / 68.5 °F), cold in the nights (11.6 °C / 52.9 °F).

July: quite a lot of rainy days (10.1), relatively low amount of precipitation (48 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (22.3 °C / 72.1 °F), not very cold nights (13.7 °C / 56.7 °F).

August: quite a lot of rainy days (10.9), relatively low amount of precipitation (54 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (21.9 °C / 71.4 °F), not very cold nights (13.4 °C / 56.1 °F).

September: quite a lot of rainy days (10.5), relatively low amount of precipitation (53 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (19.1 °C / 66.4 °F), cold in the nights (11.4 °C / 52.5 °F).

October: quite a lot of rainy days (11.6), relatively low amount of precipitation (57 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (15.2 °C / 59.4 °F), cold in the nights (8.9 °C / 48 °F).

November: quite a lot of rainy days (14), relatively low amount of precipitation (57 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (10.4 °C / 50.7 °F), cold in the nights (5.1 °C / 41.2 °F).

December: quite a lot of rainy days (13.2), relatively low amount of precipitation (57 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (8.2 °C / 46.8 °F), cold in the nights (3.4 °C / 38.1 °F).

Paris - weather around the year

January: quite a lot of rainy days (10.2), relatively low amount of precipitation (53.7 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (6.9 °C / 44.4 °F), cold in the nights (2.5 °C / 36.5 °F).

February: quite a lot of rainy days (9.3), relatively low amount of precipitation (43.7 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (8.2 °C / 46.8 °F), cold in the nights (2.8 °C / 37 °F).

March: quite a lot of rainy days (10.4), relatively low amount of precipitation (48.5 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (11.8 °C / 53.2 °F), cold in the nights (5.1 °C / 41.2 °F).

April: quite a lot of rainy days (9.4), relatively low amount of precipitation (53 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (14.7 °C / 58.5 °F), cold in the nights (6.8 °C / 44.2 °F).

May: quite a lot of rainy days (10.3), relatively low amount of precipitation (65 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (19 °C / 66.2 °F), cold in the nights (10.5 °C / 50.9 °F).

June: a few rainy days (8.6), relatively low amount of precipitation (54.6 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (21.8 °C / 71.2 °F), not very cold nights (13.3 °C / 55.9 °F).

July: a few rainy days (8), relatively low amount of precipitation (63.1 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (24.4 °C / 75.9 °F), not very cold nights (15.5 °C / 59.9 °F).

August: a few rainy days (6.9), relatively low amount of precipitation (43 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (24.6 °C / 76.3 °F), not very cold nights (15.4 °C / 59.7 °F).

September: a few rainy days (8.5), relatively low amount of precipitation (54.7 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (20.8 °C / 69.4 °F), not very cold nights (12.5 °C / 54.5 °F).

October: quite a lot of rainy days (9.5), relatively low amount of precipitation (59.7 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (15.8 °C / 60.4 °F), cold in the nights (9.2 °C / 48.6 °F).

November: quite a lot of rainy days (9.7), relatively low amount of precipitation (51.9 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (10.4 °C / 50.7 °F), cold in the nights (5.3 °C / 41.5 °F).

December: quite a lot of rainy days (10.7), relatively low amount of precipitation (58.7 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (7.8 °C / 46 °F), cold in the nights (3.6 °C / 38.5 °F).

Usual Weather in Spain During the Year

January: quite a lot of rainy days (9), relatively low amount of precipitation (37 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (9.7 °C / 49.5 °F), cold in the nights (2.6 °C / 36.7 °F).

February: quite a lot of rainy days (9), relatively low amount of precipitation (35 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (12 °C / 53.6 °F), cold in the nights (3.7 °C / 38.7 °F).

March: a few rainy days (7), relatively low amount of precipitation (26 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (15.7 °C / 60.3 °F), cold in the nights (5.6 °C / 42.1 °F).

April: quite a lot of rainy days (11), relatively low amount of precipitation (47 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (17.5 °C / 63.5 °F), cold in the nights (7.2 °C / 45 °F).

May: quite a lot of rainy days (12), relatively low amount of precipitation (52 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (21.4 °C / 70.5 °F), cold in the nights (10.7 °C / 51.3 °F).

June: a few rainy days (7), relatively low amount of precipitation (25 mm), very hot during the day (26.9 °C / 80.4 °F), not very cold nights (15.1 °C / 59.2 °F).

July: a few rainy days (3), relatively low amount of precipitation (15 mm), very hot during the day (31.2 °C / 88.2 °F), warm weather even in the nights (18.4 °C / 65.1 °F).

August: a few rainy days (3), relatively low amount of precipitation (10 mm), very hot during the day (30.7 °C / 87.3 °F), warm weather even in the nights (18.2 °C / 64.8 °F).

September: a few rainy days (5), relatively low amount of precipitation (28 mm), very hot during the day (26 °C / 78.8 °F), not very cold nights (15 °C / 59 °F).

October: quite a lot of rainy days (9), relatively low amount of precipitation (49 mm), pleasant temperatures during the day (19 °C / 66.2 °F), cold in the nights (10.2 °C / 50.4 °F).

November: quite a lot of rainy days (9), relatively low amount of precipitation (56 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (13.4 °C / 56.1 °F), cold in the nights (6 °C / 42.8 °F).

December: quite a lot of rainy days (11), relatively low amount of precipitation (56 mm), relatively cold weather during the day (10.1 °C / 50.2 °F), cold in the nights (3.8 °C / 38.8 °F).